Monday, September 24, 2012

Sometimes Life Happens...

Well everyone, I'm so so sorry I haven't been keeping up well at all. I started University (the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to be exact). But a month before school started, I was in a pretty bad car accident and haven't been feeling too great. Luckily I'm alive and better and will soon be writing for all of you, daily!
I'm not one to lecture, but please please please don't drink and drive. It's not worth it. When you climb into the car, buckle up and leave your cell off if you're tempted to text. In fact, if you think you'll be tempted at all, put your phone in your trunk. That way you'll have no physical way of looking at it.
In other news, I went to Fashion Week in NYC and it was AMAZING. I'll give you all the details soon...

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